Score The Right Nutrition: Our Premier League Of Football Products

Football fans – the wait is finally over.
This month (August) marks the start of the 2019/20 Premier League season, which we’re sure is guaranteed to bring drama once again.
With every new league comes action, a game plan, grit and determination and the right amount of energy from the players to perform match-after-match, regardless of if they’re called on for the last nail-biting 10 minutes or go into extra time.
Of course, regular training helps guarantee players are at the top of their game, but that’s only part of the equation. Taking on the right type and amount of nutrients before, during and after every match, as well as during training sessions, also helps achieve optimum performance.
Interestingly, according to Harvard Health Publications, people who weigh between 155 and 185lbs typically burn around 260 to 311 calories after playing football for 30 minutes. So whether you’re playing a team sport, such as football, or swimming, running or cycling, it’s important you replenish your spent calories.
Eating well and sport go hand-in-hand
And it applies if you’re a Premier League top striker or a Sunday League goalie. It can:
Help you to perform well
Reduce the risk of injury and illness
Enable the best recovery
So, now we’ve spoken about the importance of fuelling your body for sport, let’s focus on how you can easily go about doing it, thanks to our pioneering range of nutritional products and protein snacks.
Given our extensive product range, we could have quite easily treated you to a broader overview of what we offer. However, seeing as it’s football season, we’ve decided to focus on our top 3 football product picks, (but feel free to browse around our extensive range of shakes, bars, special packs, juice and much more!)
Our top 3 football product picks are:
TOP PICK #1: Pre-match – Lab Series Creatine Monohydrate
Key benefits: Builds lean muscle mass, increases strength and maximises explosive, athletic performance.
TOP PICK #2: During play – Oblivion (as used by World’s Strongest Man, Eddie Hall)
Key benefits: Fast muscle gain and recovery, decreased muscle wastage and fatigue and increased power and endurance.
TOP PICK #3: Post-match – The Juice Whey
Key benefits: Minimal digestion, instant repair. Keeps your body topped up with protein, the second you break your muscles for growth
We hope this insight enables you to score the right result with your fitness and energy levels this season. While it’s always good to feel the burn, it’s even better to look after your body by keeping it stocked up on the right fuel based on how active you are.
Earlier on in the post, we mentioned how many calories you can typically use by playing footie. We thought it was rather interesting, so thought we’d leave you with some more of where that came from….
Top 10 sports that burn the most calories
Football (900+ calories per match)
Running (500-700 calories per hour)
Cycling (600 calories per hour)
Swimming (700+ calories per hour)
Rowing (700+ calories per hour)
CrossFit (500 calories in half an hour)
Kickboxing (300 calories in half an hour)
Basketball (300 per half an hour)
Enjoy the new season and score big with your training, simply by taking on food and drink that’s the right match for your regimes.