Weight Loss Guide – MYOBAND UK

Answering all your questions

A complete guide to weight loss.

Posted by Chi Chow, 15th August 2020

Weight Loss Guide

In this guide, we will inform you on steps that you can take to losing weight in a way that is habitual and realistic. The guide will read as follows as a step by step to achieving your weight loss goals:

Questions we want to answer in this guide.

Step 1) The basics of weight loss, do I need to tone or lose weight?

Step 2) Does dieting have health impacts?

Step 3) How to begin my weight loss journey? - Simple tips to get you started involving portion size and how to visualise your plate.

Step 4) Derailing diet trends, is low carb or low fat better for long term weight loss?

Step 5) What is protein’s role in weight loss? -Understanding protein in the diet and how supplements on the market can help you.


An example: An average man to maintain his weight should eat about 2500 calories on average.

Do I need to tone or lose weight?

Calorie intake versus calories expended is a very important consideration in achieving and maintaining a healthy body weight. Calories are units of energy, the amount of energy in any particular item of food or drink is counted in calories which your body then utilises in performing basic, life-sustaining functions. The total number of calories your body would need to function whilst resting is called Basal Metabolic Rate or BMR - this is the minimum number of calories your body needs to survive. Later in the guide, you will find a link to a calculator that will help you work out your approximate BMR.

The average daily recommended calorie intake is 2000 for females and 2500 for males, however this will vary according to an individual’s BMR, level of exercise and lean muscle mass. How we obtain these calories is also very important. For example, an apple and a small chocolate chip cookie both contain roughly 90 calories, the chocolate chip cookie is great if you need to satisfy a craving, however if you were to munch through 4-5 in one sitting, you have almost consumed as many calories as you could potentially eat for your lunch! In addition, the nutritional values of the apple in terms of as a source of vitamins and minerals plus the healthy lunch you could also eat would be more fulfilling and help you to feel full for longer, meaning you are less likely to eat more than you need.

At this point, it is good to understand if you do actually need to lose weight or if you just need exercise to help you to tone up. If you have excess fat around the tummy or in multiple areas of the body that could create future clinical issues. Or you partake in a particular sport, such as boxing, where you need to be in a specific weight range then, in these instances, it is recommended that you aim to lose weight. Alternatively, if you have an area of your body that holds stubborn fat, then it may be beneficial to exercise whilst obtaining enough calories to maintain your weight. Weight loss will not help you to tone, this can only be achieved through exercise and a balanced diet, as your aim is to change the composition of your body in terms of amounts of fat and muscle, whilst maintaining a healthy weight.


If you decide that weight loss is the route you need, here are some tips to help you:
1. Take photos - no one else has to see them, however it allows you to see your progress which will give you the motivation to continue/maintain your new weight.
2. Set an achievable goal in eating and exercise - whether this is a daily walk, analysing your diet or understanding what needs to change. Mindset changes everything.
3. Don’t change everything at once! More tips are provided later in the guide to help with small, manageable changes that you can make.

On the other hand, it is extremely important that calories are not restricted too much as it could cause a range of long term health problems (we will cover the health impacts later in the guide).

There are a range of online calculators to find your BMR: (https://www.calculator.net/bmr-calculator.html), your daily calories to maintain your weight (https://www.calculator.net/calorie-calculator.html), to lose weight, you should consume the number of calories between the two calorie amounts. Remember to take your activity level into account as the more exercise you do, the more calories your body will need.


Does dieting have health impacts

Sometimes weight loss can be achieved in an unhealthy way and can have an unwanted impact. Restricting calories and food groups can cause severe harm as potentially you are depriving your body of essential nutrients that it requires to function. This can lead to deficiencies, fatigue, injury and illness. However by sensibly controlling calorie intake and also choosing foods that provide a balance of vitamins and minerals, you will gradually and successfully lose weight.

Examples of implications of calorie restriction:

Bone Health
Calcium deficiency can cause a reduction in bone density resulting in a higher risk of fractures. This is especially important in women at a menopausal age as the lack of the natural hormone oestrogen will begin to make their bones weaker (1). Studies show there is a significant association between dairy consumption and bone health (2).

In females, in particular during ovulation, two hormones are released - Luteinizing hormone (LH) and Oestrogen. Research demonstrates that the LH release is moderately dependent on calorie availability (3). Studies show that this is common in female athletes as they don’t have enough energy availability from excess exercise and insufficient calorie intake (3).

This is why it is crucial to understand that calorie restriction is a successful method to lose weight, but there are calculated values of the calories that you need to be in a deficit. However it is essential that you are not in excessive calorie restriction for long term weight loss.

"Weight loss doesn't begin in the gym with a dumb bell; it starts in your head with a decision."

- Toni Sorenson

How to begin my weight loss journey

Losing weight is a long-term change in lifestyle eating a healthy, balanced diet from all food groups, which is essential for success. An excellent place to start is to look at the percentages of different food groups that make up your plate. Taking the example of Spaghetti Bolognese, you will have 60% pasta which is a carbohydrate, 20% meat (protein) with the tomatoes and vegetables mixed in the meat making up about 20% of the meal. When trying to lose weight, the percentages of carbs needs to decrease to 30%, and the fruit and vegetable content should increase to 50%. This can be done by cooking some vegetables alongside the meal, for example, some broccoli, peas or sweetcorn and reducing the amount of pasta.

Portion size has been investigated in a study where 197 overweight or obese adults ate portion-controlled meals, with fruit and vegetables and increased physical activity (4). The results showed a significant difference as they had lost weight at the end of the 18-month programme and they also had a higher score on the healthy eating index through the analysis of a three-day food diary (4). Although that programme used portion size control, a similar result can be achieved by understanding portion size involving weighing portions to ensure the portions are not overestimated.

In summary, your plate should be approximately 30% carbs, 20% protein and 50% vegetables.

Another great tip is to change white starchy carbs such as white bread, pasta and rice to a wholemeal version.
Wholemeal/wholegrain carbohydrates are much more nutritious and usually contain less sugar. In a study of 81 people (5), after two weeks of consuming wholegrain instead of refined gave them:

• Increased stool frequency and weight (due to increased fibre)
• Positive effects of their gut microbiota (bacteria found in the gut which digests our food)
• More terminal effector memory T-cells were produced (improved immune system response)

Considering that this trial was only two weeks long, it made significant changes on the individuals in the group consuming the wholegrains in comparison to those in the refined carbohydrate group.

Derailing diet trends, is low carb or low fat better for long term weight loss.

Low carb

Many studies show that a low carb, high-fat diet can aid in weight loss (6), (7), (8). However the long-term effects of a low carbohydrate diet are as yet undetermined. It is possible that the release of calcium to counterbalance the ketones (fats) in the blood causes risks for osteoporosis later in life due to the loss of bone calcium (9).

Low fat
One particular study was conducted, which suggested that a high carb, low-fat diet in a non-obese healthy Chinese population would not cause excess weight gain (10). Studies like this suggest that these diets may both be useful but with different groups/ethnicities of people.

Both diets should decrease LDL cholesterol levels (9). In most studies comparing the two diets, a low carb diet results in more weight loss on average. This could be due to the fact that low-fat diets are calorie-restricted whereas a low carb diet often is not, resulting in the low carb diet being easier to follow due to not having to count calories (11).


MYOBAND’s Opinion

After researching many studies, we believe that these diets can provide a short-term fix to weight loss. However, we wouldn’t recommend following either in the long term as your body function requires all major food groups to function. This kind of diet cannot be sustained in the long-run and has potential health implications from cutting out major food groups. By following a healthy, balanced diet with portion control and/or healthier alternatives such as wholemeal in different percentages on your plate. It will allow you to enjoy the foods you want, whilst reducing calorie intake and increasing vital nutrients that your body requires to function.
Low-fat diet sounds like a great idea in essence, however not all fats are bad and cutting out the whole of this food group will potentially deprive your body of certain vitamins such as A, D and E as well as certain types of essential fats that cannot be created by the body. Examples include rapeseed oil (omega 6) and kippers (omega 3) (12). Similarly, carbohydrates are often seen as a good component to restrict for weight loss however in a balanced diet to maintain your weight, carbohydrates are meant to be the body’s main source of energy, used to fuel the body. Carbohydrates are broken down into smaller components and are stored away, which is beneficial when exercising (13).

What is protein's role in weight loss?

Protein-rich diets are often seen in advertisements as the key to weight loss and building a lean, fit body. There is some key scientific research behind this, such as the improvement of the breakdown of glucose (sugars), protein increases the release of satiety hormones (Leptin) and decreases the release of hunger hormones (ghrelin) (13). However, it is essential whilst using protein to establish a balanced diet to prevent problems that occur from overconsuming protein. Especially from protein sources that are high in saturated fats (for example meat with a high percentage of fat) can cause problems such as metabolic diseases, which is an umbrella term for heart disease, stroke and type II diabetes (14).


It may be beneficial for those looking to lose weight and tone muscles to consume some of their protein through a protein drink. There are some benefits to this, firstly a liquid form of protein in high concentrations, but without any added fat can satisfy your hunger by increasing the levels of Leptin levels (satiety levels) after consumption. MYOBAND have formulated a protein shake specifically aimed at those trying to lose weight. With a calorie deficit, healthy, balanced diet and with a protein shake like diet plus, it makes it much more achievable and convenient as you are having one high protein meal per day, as recommended. Remember that when consuming your protein shake, you can incorporate it into recipes like smoothies and overnight oats, as these contain fibre, this will further improve the satiety factors of the protein shake. There is more information available if you want to dive deeper into the benefits of chosen ingredients in our protein shakes, check out the “the science” section of the products.


  1. Lupsa, B. C., & Insogna, K. (2015). Bone Health and Osteoporosis. Endocrinology and metabolism clinics of North America, 44(3), 517–530. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecl.2015.05.002
  2. Hodges, J. K., Cao, S., Cladis, D. P., & Weaver, C. M. (2019). Lactose Intolerance and Bone Health: The Challenge of Ensuring Adequate Calcium Intake. Nutrients, 11(4), 718. https://doi.org/10.3390/nu11040718 
  3. Loucks A. B. (2003). Energy availability, not body fatness, regulates reproductive function in women. Exercise and sport sciences reviews, 31(3), 144–148. https://doi.org/10.1097/00003677-200307000-00008
  4. Ptomey, L. T., Willis, E. A., Goetz, J. R., Lee, J., Szabo-Reed, A. N., Sullivan, D. K., & Donnelly, J. E. (2016). Portion-controlled meals provide increases in diet quality during weight loss and maintenance. Journal of human nutrition and dietetics : the official journal of the British Dietetic Association, 29(2), 209–216. https://doi.org/10.1111/jhn.12296
  5. Vanegas, S. M., Meydani, M., Barnett, J. B., Goldin, B., Kane, A., Rasmussen, H., Brown, C., Vangay, P., Knights, D., Jonnalagadda, S., Koecher, K., Karl, J. P., Thomas, M., Dolnikowski, G., Li, L., Saltzman, E., Wu, D., & Meydani, S. N. (2017). Substituting whole grains for refined grains in a 6-wk randomized trial has a modest effect on gut microbiota and immune and inflammatory markers of healthy adults. The American journal of clinical nutrition, 105(3), 635–650. https://doi.org/10.3945/ajcn.116.146928
  6. Westman, E. C., Yancy, W. S., Edman, J. S., Tomlin, K. F., & Perkins, C. E. (2002). Effect of 6-month adherence to a very low carbohydrate diet program. The American journal of medicine, 113(1), 30–36. https://doi.org/10.1016/s0002-9343(02)01129-4 
  7. Shai, I., Schwarzfuchs, D., Henkin, Y., Shahar, D. R., Witkow, S., Greenberg, I., Golan, R., Fraser, D., Bolotin, A., Vardi, H., Tangi-Rozental, O., Zuk-Ramot, R., Sarusi, B., Brickner, D., Schwartz, Z., Sheiner, E., Marko, R., Katorza, E., Thiery, J., Fiedler, G. M., … Dietary Intervention Randomized Controlled Trial (DIRECT) Group (2008). Weight loss with a low-carbohydrate, Mediterranean, or low-fat diet. The New England journal of medicine, 359(3), 229–241. https://doi.org/10.1056/NEJMoa0708681
  8. Nordmann, A. J., Nordmann, A., Briel, M., Keller, U., Yancy, W. S., Jr, Brehm, B. J., & Bucher, H. C. (2006). Effects of low-carbohydrate vs low-fat diets on weight loss and cardiovascular risk factors: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Archives of internal medicine, 166(3), 285–293. https://doi.org/10.1001/archinte.166.3.285 
  9. Scott P. M. (2006). Which diet is better--low-fat or low-carb?. JAAPA : official journal of the American Academy of Physician Assistants, 19(1), 49. https://doi.org/10.1097/01720610-200601000-00010 
  10. Wan, Y., Wang, F., Yuan, J., Li, J., Jiang, D., & Zhang, J. (2017). Effects of Macronutrient Distribution on Weight and Related Cardiometabolic Profile in Healthy Non-Obese Chinese: A 6-month, Randomized Controlled-Feeding Trial. Ebiomedicine, 22, 200-207. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ebiom.2017.06.017 
  11. Nickols-Richardson, S. M., Coleman, M. D., Volpe, J. J., & Hosig, K. W. (2005). Perceived hunger is lower and weight loss is greater in overweight premenopausal women consuming a low-carbohydrate/high-protein vs high-carbohydrate/low-fat diet. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 105(9), 1433–1437. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jada.2005.06.025 
  12. Facts about fat - NHS. (2020). Retrieved from https://www.nhs.uk/live-well/eat-well/different-fats-nutrition/ 
  13. The truth about carbs. (2020). Retrieved from https://www.nhs.uk/live-well/healthy-weight/why-we-need-to-eat-carbs/ Pesta, D., & Samuel, V. (2014). A high-protein diet for reducing body fat: mechanisms and possible caveats. Nutrition & Metabolism, 11(1), 53. https://doi.org/10.1186/1743-7075-11-53   

We discuss protein in our products

Diet Plus - Weight Loss Protein Shake

What Is Diet Plus?

Diet Plus is one of our first formulated products and has stuck with us as a delicious diet protein shake. This incredible shake includes 20g of protein, 0g of fat, 2.5g of sugar and 102 calories per serving, to create the ultimate low-calorie high protein profile.

Combining multiple protein sources such as Whey, Casein and Soy, you benefit with a timed release of protein into your body. We’ve also added some of the most excellent flavours to appeal to everyone’s taste buds! Including Chocolate, Coconut, Vanilla and Strawberry. Following a calorie-controlled diet, you can use Diet Plus in-between meals to help you lose weight. Or if you don’t have time for breakfast, make sure you take your Diet Plus shake, which will prevent you from snacking until lunch! DIET PLUS is further boosted with the addition of tried and trusted ingredients with a variety of potent fat-loss aiding, antioxidant and metabolism-boosting properties. Why take separate supplements when you can find it all in one great tasting, easy to mix milkshake!

Diet Plus Benefits?

How can this shake benefit you on your weight loss journey? Read on for some of the ingredients we have used in Diet Plus. If you want more information, then subscribe to our Youtube (Link) channel to let us know what you would like to know more of or follow this link to our weight loss guide (link to weight loss guide).

Protein Blend - Compromising of whey protein concentrate, soy protein, casein from skimmed milk protein concentrate and hydrolysed whey protein, this blend contributes towards the maintenance of healthy bones to help you build the right foundations of a slender body.

Creatine Monohydrate -The simplest, yet most effective version of a product created naturally by the body. Backed by hundreds of scientific studies, Creatine is proven to help build lean muscle, which in turn helps burn more fat. Thus, it is seen as an indirect contributor to weight loss. For more information on Creatine, visit our Oblivion information page.

Taurine - Apart from many other health benefits such as lowering blood pressure and anti-oxidative properties, Taurine is an excellent fat burner that boosts your metabolism and energy production. Human studies show that 3 grams per day of taurine for 7 weeks reduced body weight significantly in a group of overweight or obese (but not-yet-diabetic) adults (1). Subjects saw significant declines in their serum triglycerides and “atherogenic index,” a ratio of multiple cholesterol components that predicts atherosclerosis risk.

Lysine - Lysine indirectly supports the lowering of bad cholesterol, burns fat, and directly encourages the production of collagen for healthy skin, muscles, and joints. Collagen can build cartilage, connective tissue, and bone. Lysine aids in this formation and at the same time, can stop the breakdown and excretion of collagen. Lysine also naturally creates carnitine, which breaks down fatty acids and LDL cholesterol (2).

Glycine - Natural anti-inflammatory and helps keep skin healthy and smooth. Glycine increases adiponectin (a protein hormone), which can help with weight loss (3). Adiponectin enhances glucose utilisation and fatty-acid combustion in the liver and muscle.

Glutamine - A precursor for muscle growth. Glutamine combats fat storage and minimises the breakdown of muscle. For more information, see our Oblivion information page (link to Oblivion).

CLA - CLA is a naturally occurring product in the human body. By supplementing the natural levels, CLA aids fat loss by breaking down fat deposits (4,5).

Acai Berry - Research shows acai berries are high in antioxidants and may possibly fight against disease (6). This ingredient provides a more holistic weight loss approach with secondary health benefits and has been added for its healthy fat properties.

Green Tea - Many studies show that green tea increases the rate of metabolism to help you lose weight. The caffeine and catechin content in green tea is shown to help stimulate activeness and boost weight loss.

Quality Excellence Nutrition

As always, you can have confidence in the product quality and supply source. Each ingredient supplier must pass rigorous audits and checks before being given the MYOBAND quality seal of approval. Traceability, quality, and consistency are the three things we demand on every single ingredient. This is our philosophy that flows through every product we formulate and blend.



  1. Zhang M, Bi LF, Fang JH, et al. Beneficial effects of Taurine on serum lipids in overweight or obese non-diabetic subjects. Amino Acids.2004 Jun;26(3):267-71.
  2. Judith L Flanagan, Peter A Simmons, Joseph Vehige, Mark DP Willcox and Qian Garrett (2010). Role of carnitine in disease. Nutr Metab (Lond). 2010; 7: 30.
  3. Garcia-Macedo R1, Sanchez-Muñoz F, Almanza-Perez JC, Duran-Reyes G, Alarcon-Aguilar F, Cruz M. (2008) Glycine increases mRNA adiponectin and diminishes pro-inflammatory adipokines expression in 3T3-L1 cells. Eur J Pharmacol. 2008 Jun 10;587(1-3):317-21.
  4. Mougios V, Matsakas A, Petridou A, Ring S, Sagredos A, Melissopoulou A,Tsigilis N, Nikolaidis M. Effect of supplementation with conjugated inoleic acid on human serum lipids and body fat. J NutrBiochem 2001;12:585-94
  5. Blankson H, Stakkestad JA, Fagertun H,Thom E, Wadstein J, Gudmundsen O. Conjugated linoleic acid reduces body fat mass in overweight and obese humans. J.Nutr. 130:2943-2948 (2000).

Lab Series Thermo - Fat burner

Maximise fat-burning whatever your goal fast and effective results without overstimulation- scientifically formulated

LAB Series Thermo has been scientifically formulated with high quality, extensively researched ingredients to provide you with potent fat-burning properties without unwanted side effects, no matter what your training goals you hope to achieve.


What is Thermo?

With a well-researched, scientifically formulated and transparent ingredients list, Lab Series Thermo is a state-of-the-art weight management system in a fast-acting capsule designed to boost your energy levels and maximise your fat-burning potential.

When used synergistically with a sensible diet and workout regime, THERMO will support your energy levels and help you to achieve the lean physique that you have always desired. With no crash from over stimulating fat loss pills, Thermo is strong and gradual, doing what it needs to - increase your metabolism and aid fat loss.

Whether you are an elite athlete looking for an extra energy boost to take your training to the next level, looking to sculpt your body to produce more lean mass or combining with other Myo-and products for a targeted workout regime, Thermo will help to achieve all goals


How does Thermo work?

The science behind the components of Thermo is well researched and the ingredients list outlined is transparent, allowing you to see the formulation of the capsules. So you can fully understand the thought process that has gone into making these capsules the ideal addition to your supplement, diet and fitness regime.

Good quality green tea extract has been proven to offer fat-burning effects. The naturally high caffeine levels, plus the addition of extra anhydrous caffeine, has a positive impact on Basal Metabolic Rate, or BMR. This increase causes the body to burn more calories while also offers a stimulant effect to boost energy levels, to achieve endurance goals. Another positive aspect of green tea is the high levels of antioxidants. These biomolecules are known to offer health benefits outside of general fitness, however, one in particular, which is found in high doses in green tea. These are called ECGC, not only offers advantages on its own, such as breaking down fat, yet when paired with caffeine, these effects are boosted by the two compound’s synergistic relationship.

Furthermore, the addition of Capsicum offers fat-burning effects, plus a host of vitamins and minerals. To add to this, the added minerals and vitamins such as Chromium and B-6 and B-12, aids in maintaining blood sugar levels, decreasing tiredness and fatigue to offer an overall enhanced performance and fat-reducing effect. Finally, L-Tyrosine improves mental focus to really boost your concentration during an, especially testing workout.

In summary, Thermo is designed with a high concentration of optimum quality Green Tea extract, natural caffeine, Capsicum and multiple vitamins and minerals to raise your metabolism, burn fat and increase your alertness and motivation. As you can see from the above explanation, Thermo is a well developed and scientifically balanced product. With vast amounts of research and development going into the ingredients and formulation, therefore if you would like further explanation on Thermo or any of its components, please do not hesitate to subscribe to our Youtube channel (link).


Who Should take Thermo?

Whether you are looking to sculpt your body to produce more lean mass, combining with other Myo-and products for a targeted workout regime or an elite athlete seeking an extra energy boost to take your training to the next level, Thermo will help male and female physiques to achieve all goals!

Lab Series CLA - Reduce fat storage

Key benefits

  • Popular product to help aid weight loss
  • Great benefits for overall general health
  • A convenient source of Omega-6 with 1000mg per softgel


CLA is an excellent addition to a healthy, balanced diet. The Lab Series soft gels are a convenient way to consume the correct amounts of this dietary supplement to reduce both synthesis and storage of fat cells and as such, reducing overall levels of body fat.


What is CLA?

Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) is a popular product within the fitness industry and is growing ever more popular for individuals looking to burn fat. Currently, it is one of the most comprehensively studied weight loss products in the world. You may have already heard of CLA, but you might be wondering what it is and how it’s connected to weight loss?

CLA belongs to the Omega family of fatty acids and is derived from Safflower oil. CLA is a mixture of at least 28 forms of Linoleic Acid, which is an essential Omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acid. Essential fatty acids cannot be produced by the human body alone and therefore must be consumed through the diet. CLA is a naturally occurring free fatty acid found mainly in foods such as cheese, milk, lamb and beef, especially those on grass-fed diets; however, it is only present in tiny amounts. To consume enough CLA, you would require a large intake of these types of foods, which would require very high-calorie consumption.


How does CLA work?

Studies show that taking a dietary supplement of CLA increases the Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR), by doing, so it increases the rate at which the body burns calories. It reduces lipid uptake into adipocytes (fat cells) and inhibits fat production while stimulating fat breakdown.

CLA also has additional health benefits, in particular, it can be useful in the prevention of Type 2 Diabetes, by reducing the accumulation of specific blood lipids in fat cells.

CLA is a dietary Supplement, so by using this alone, it may not directly relate to weight loss as you need to first burn excess weight that is already there. The best way to do this is to make sure you consume a daily balanced diet and exercise regularly.


Who Should take CLA?

Both males and females looking to reduce overall body fat whilst partaking in a healthy balanced diet and fitness regime.

Fibre Plus - Aids your digestion

Key Benefits:

  •         Naturally high in fibre
  •         Exclusive in-house formulated combination of dietary fibre
  •         Additional digestive enzymes to boost the natural gut microbiome


Fibre Plus is a MYOBAND exclusive in-house formulated fibre dietary supplement. Each capsule includes a combination of soluble and insoluble dietary fibres. Providing all the natural advantages of bulk-producing fibre while being kind to your tummy so that you can use it every day. Fibre Plus utilises the goodness from fruits, vegetables and grains to make your digestive system as efficient as possible!


MYOBANDs Fibre Plus’s unique blend includes a combination of dietary fibres such as Inulin and Psyllium husk with the added benefit of the ‘healthy’ bacteria Lactobacillus Acidophilus,

Consuming the correct amounts of dietary fibre can result in many health benefits, the most obvious being the regulation of the digestive system. However, some studies prove a high level of dietary fibre can aid in blood-sugar control, Type-II diabetes, and bowel cancer. Let’s look at the main ingredients and their benefits in more detail:

Inulin belongs to a group of naturally occurring polysaccharides that are produced by many types of plants, however, is most often extracted from Chicory, as is the case for the ingredient in Fibre Plus. As these polysaccharides are neither digested nor absorbed in the small intestine, they act as a natural prebiotic. They do this by providing a food source to the ‘good’ bacteria in the gut. Recent studies have also shown that Inulin can aid in sleep patterns, weight loss and can act as an anti-inflammatory. Further studies have shown that it can help in metabolic diseases, such as Type-II diabetes.

Psyllium Husk Powder is made from the seeds of Plantago Ovata which is a common wild herb, often used for medicinal purposes. Similarly, to Inulin and other soluble fibres, Psyllium Husk will pass through the large intestine without being completely broken down or absorbed. Instead, Psyllium absorbs water and becomes a viscous compound which can benefit common digestive issues such as constipation and diarrhoea, while also helping to regulate blood sugar, cholesterol and weight-loss.

Lactobacillus acidophilus is a healthy bacterium, which naturally occurs in the gut of animals. The levels in the gut can be disrupted by many external factors such as diet, antibiotics, illness, amongst other things. By maintaining good levels of healthy bacteria, it may help with regulating cholesterol levels, blood sugar and improve IBS symptoms. Some studies have also shown that good gut microbiome can aid in weight-loss.

Here at MYOBAND we always advocate that the best sources of vitamins and minerals should be a healthy, balanced diet, however, we also truly believe that supplementing that diet can have strong effects on your overall health, wellbeing and performance, whatever your exercise goals. With fibre in mind particularly, it is thought that the UK average intake of dietary fibre is 18g per day, where in fact we need at least 30g, Fibre Plus can help to bridge the gap.


Who should take Fibre Plus?

Everyone who feels like they are not able to consume enough dietary fibre through their regular diet, for those of us who suffer from digestive complaints, or maybe feeling they need a little help to kick start their weight loss regime – give it a go!


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