MYOBANDs Complete Protein Guide – MYOBAND UK

Answering all your questions

A complete guide to protein.

Posted by Chi Chow, 15th August 2020

Why do I need Protein?

  1. Crucial for everyday functions of the human body
  2. Slows digestion and suppresses the feeling of hunger
  3. Increases muscle mass and strength
  4. Essential for healthy bone stucture
  5. Boosts metabolism and increases fat burning
  6. Can help if goal is to lose weight
  7. Helps the body to repair itself after injury
  8. Enables you to stay fit as you age

What is protein?

Proteins are large, complex molecules that the body relies on for structure and function, regardless of whether you want to build muscle or not. They are made up of compounds called Amino Acids, the building blocks of proteins. There are 20 different kinds of Amino Acids, 11 of which your body can make itself, and are termed non-essential. The remaining 9 need to be consumed from food or drink and are known as essential amino acids. The amount, type and order of these amino acids will determine the function of the protein. To explain this further, imagine you have a LEGO mega bucket set with twenty different coloured blocks, you can build many structures with the LEGO. Think of the individual blocks as ‘Amino Acids’ and the arrangements you create become proteins. If a LEGO piece breaks, you need to replace it by either making a LEGO block yourself or buying new blocks. Other terms that you may hear with regards to proteins are peptides, polypeptides, enzymes and hormones.

Types of protein?

There are many different types of protein. If you think again about your LEGO pieces, you can imagine how many different structures you can make. Different food types have different numbers of amino acids and therefore it is always good to eat a varied diet combining vegetables, fruits, nuts, fish, dairy and meat if your diet allows. Foods that contain all of the nine essential amino acids for our bodies are always good choices to consume and are sometimes called ‘complete’ proteins. We compare protein quality by matching the closest amino acid ratio to the requirement of our body – the BV (Bioavailability). Milk and egg proteins are the closest match. However, in everyday life, the amount of milk and eggs you would need to eat would massively increase your calorie consumption meaning that you could exceed the recommended daily calorie intake. Hence, eating a variety of foods is always the best course of action to ensure you receive all the amino acids you need. If in doubt, drink a glass of Oblivion!

Exercise and protein requirement

Many studies have shown that the current 0.75g protein per kg bodyweight is inadequate if you exercise regularly (1). The more strenuous the exercise, the more protein you will require per kg of bodyweight, ranging from 1.2g - 2g per kg bodyweight (2). If you are endurance training you would be in the lower range of requirement such as 1.2g - 1.4g per kg body weight. Whereas resistance training will require the higher bracket of 2g per kg body weight. If you are a beginner you will also need more protein as your body adapts to utilise and conserve your protein.
Studies show that 20g - 30g of protein intake is sufficient for the majority of people, however if you are more substantial in body weight, at an older age and/or training multiple sessions, then this could be as high as 50g of protein per portion.

Protein and weight loss

If you focus on weight loss by cutting calories then naturally you may lose muscle mass. This isn’t ideal as muscles act as fat-burning furnaces. Higher protein intake helps to slow down any possible muscle wastage.
We know that to lose weight means decreasing calorie intake, however this needs to be done in a sensible way as possible. For example, if you cut 500 calories from your diet, to combat the loss of muscle you should increase your protein to 1.8g - 2.7g protein per kg bodyweight whilst introducing some resistance training (3).

When to consume protein. Before, during and after exercise.

Timing of protein intake is as important as the total protein consumed in the day. The trick is to spread out your protein consumption throughout the day.
There have been multiple studies that show consumption of protein plus carbs before or during exercise can improve performance and recovery. Protein consumption after exercise is also essential for both endurance and resistance training. Where protein is used to rebuild physical muscle after resistance training, protein after endurance training is used to restore mitochondrial proteins, which is where energy is produced.

"Protein you should ask for, when lemons life shall give".

- Yoda

Distribution of protein during the day

Some interesting studies have shown better physical performance results through consuming protein throughout the day rather than the total protein in one sitting. This is particularly important when the type of training is resistance training (4), where the anabolic window is approximately 24 hours (5).
Various research shows that it is advised that protein should be distributed evenly at your meals or even every 3 hours, so including snacks between meals.
Consumption of protein just before sleep has shown some great results, primarily if a slow releasing protein food or supplement source is used.

How do I meet my protein needs?

Generally speaking, provided you are meeting a balanced diet from a variety of foods you are most likely to be meeting your protein levels. However, increased physical activity will increase your daily protein requirements as your muscles will need to repair. The key is to consume various protein sources at different times of the day and this can include supplements as they are an excellent way to increase protein intake without adding too many extra calories. The variety of protein supplements gives you different amino acid profiles and also helps you increase fibre, vitamins, minerals and carbs.Over-consuming protein does not increase your performance and it will certainly not be stored, as when you have consumed enough for the day your body will naturally remove the excess. Results show that it is unlikely to be stored as fat.

Is protein harmful?

There have been claims that too much protein may cause stress on liver or kidney damage, though this has never been demonstrated in healthy people, it remains only theoretical (6).
There have also been claims that overeating protein causes dehydration, however there has only been one study that supports this claim, which also requires further research. In the study, the participants had a daily intake of 246g of protein, a considerable amount compared to the 20-30g average intake!
Other claims, such as too much protein raises calcium levels, are also unsupported. Overall, evidence and research to date on increased protein intake suggests that it is unlikely to be harmful, but to consume more than what is required is unnecessary.

Protein resources to try

1. 30g of 8X Whey Protein with 150ml water - 25g protein
2. 400ml of any type of milk - 14g protein
3. 2 eggs - 12g protein
4. 100g cottage cheese - 12g protein
5. 75g oats - 10g protein
6. 450ml yoghurt (plain for after resistance training or with fruit for after endurance training) - 20g
7. 50g of almonds or cashews with 250ml yoghurt - 20g protein
8. 125g grilled chicken breast fillet - 30g protein
9. 250ml strained Greek yoghurt - 20g protein
10. 50g MYOBAR - 25g protein


  1. Phillips, S. M. and Van Loon, L. J. (2011), ‘Dietary protein for athletes: from requirements to optimum adaptation’. Int. J. Sports Sci., vol. 29, Suppl. 1, pp. S29-38
  2. ACSM/AND/DC (2016), ‘Nutrition and Athletic Performance’. Med Sci in Sports and Ex, vol. 4(8) pp. 543-568.
  3. Murphy, C.H. et al. (2015) ‘Considerations for protein intake in managing weight loss in athletes’. Eur. J. Sport Sci., vol 15(1), pp21-8
  4. Schoenfeld, B. J. et al. (2013), ‘The effect of protein timing on musclestrength and hypertrophy: a meta-analysis’. J. Int. Soc. Sports Nutr., vol 10(1), pp. 53.
  5. Burd, N. A. et al. (2011), ‘Enhanced amino acid sensitivity of myofibrillar protein synthesis persists for up to 24 h after resistance exercise in young men’. J. Nutr., vol. 141(4), pp. 568-73.
  6. Tipton, K. D. and Wolfe, R. (2007), ‘Protein needs and amino acids for athletes’. J. Sports Sci, vol 22(1), pp 65-79.

We discuss protein in our products

Oblivion Plus - Protein Juice

MYOBAND's Research and Development team have taken protein found in their current range of workout shakes and engineered a ground-breaking product. Oblivion contains a highly advanced peptide-form derived directly from hydrolysed dairy protein – this has produced a protein based-drink with ZERO carbs, sugars and fats. When consumed, it will instantly be absorbed to give the full spectrum of amino acids required to enhance recovery and, more importantly, the reduction of DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness). Oblivion is, quite simply, the UK's best protein supplement. All ingredients used of which have been included in their purest forms and at their ideal optimal dosages. Unlike other protein supplements, where ingredient amounts are hidden by proprietary blends, Oblivion is transparent. The exact quantity of each nutrient is clearly listed. After all, you should know what you are consuming. Oblivion contains 4 active ingredients. Every ingredient in Oblivion is included in its optimal dosage from science studies to enhance exercise performance. Their respective quantities are clearly listed, so you know where your protein is coming from. The Oblivion formula contains powerful ingredients, including Casein Hydrolysate (Milk), Branch Chain Amino Acid (BCAA), L-Glutamine, Creatine Monohydrate, Inulin, Blood Orange Flavouring, Citric Acid, Turmeric, Colouring, Sweetener (Sucralose).



L-Glutamine is an amino acid (a building block of protein) known for its role in protein production and is an integral part of muscle growth following exercise (1). It is naturally produced in the body; however, intense exercise will deplete levels, by including L-Glutamine in your post-workout nutrition, you will restore the natural levels and - Increase muscle gain and have a quicker recovery (2, 3) Decrease muscle wastage (4, 5, 6, 7)

Increase power and endurance and decrease fatigue while diminishing Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS). L-Glutamine does this by preventing the breakdown of Leucine (an amino acid which switches on muscle growth) and therefore aiding protein synthesis to build and repair muscle.

Branch Chain Amino Acids are building blocks of proteins which are not naturally made within the body and therefore must be derived from food or supplements. They stimulate muscle protein synthesis or 'gains' as well as reducing the rate of protein breakdown. BCAA's require no digestion and will enter the bloodstream much more quickly than Whey protein, therefore helping to decrease DOMS and muscle wastage (8)

Casein is a protein commonly found in mammalian milk. Casein hydrolysate is a form of this protein which has been hydrolysed or broken down. Studies show that proteins that have been hydrolysed are easier to digest and absorb, as a result, are more quickly incorporated into skeletal muscle and leave you feeling a lot less bloated. (9) Post-workout consumption of hydrolysates enhance recovery and process and prepare your body for the next workout. (10, 11)

Although Whey hydrolysate is an excellent protein source, in that it is quickly absorbed, the slightly different amino acids in casein make it a great alternative strength builder and fat burner. Casein Hydrolysate has been proven in studies to cause an increase in amino acid levels similar to that of Whey. However, Casein Hydrolysate differs from Whey proteins in the fact that it keeps the amino acid levels high, like that of traditional Casein proteins (9)

Creatine is a compound found naturally in the human body, it aids in the supply of energy to muscle cells. Creatine Monohydrate is one of the many forms of Creatine available on the market. However, it is the subject of most scientific studies involving Creatine and has been proven to be extremely safe over long and short- term usage and in high dosages (up to 30gms per day) (1,2,3,4).

Creatine helps to increase muscle mass by providing the muscle cells with energy as they contract, by aiding this process, Creatine is a crucial product for building lean muscle mass

Inulin is not digested or absorbed in the stomach. It goes to the bowels where bacteria can use it to grow. It supports the growth of a special kind of bacteria that are associated with improving bowel function and general health. Inulin decreases the body's ability to make certain kinds of fats. Though this ingredient has many benefits, it is predominantly used in Oblivion for taste purposes.



  1. Norton LE, Layman DK. (2006). Leucine Regulates Translation Initiation of Protein Synthesis in Skeletal Muscle after Exercise. Journal of Nutrition. 136, 2, 5335-5375.
  2. Street B, Byrne C, Eston R. (2011). Glutamine Supplementation in Recovery From Eccentric Exercise Attenuates Strength Loss and Muscle Soreness. Journal of Exercise Science and Fitness. 9, 12, 116-122.
  3. McCormack WP, Hoffman JR, Pruna GJ, Jajtner AR, Townsend JR, Stout JR, Fragala MS, Fukuda DH. (2015). Effects of l-Alanyl-l-Glutamine Ingestion on One-Hour Run Performance. J Am Coll Nutr. 34, 6, 488-96. doi: 10.1080/07315724.2015.1009193. Epub 2015 Jun 22.
  4. Naclerio F, Larumbe-Zabala E, Cooper R, Allgrove J, Earnest CP. (2015). A multi-ingredient containing carbohydrate, proteins L-glutamine and L-carnitine attenuates fatigue perception with no effect on performance, muscle damage or immunity in soccer players. PLoS One. 10, 4, e0125188. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0125188. eCollection 2015.
  5. Roth E, Spittler A, Oehler R. (1996). Glutamine: effects on the immune system, protein balance and intestinal functions. Wien Klin Wochenschr. 108, 21, 669-76.
  6. Castell LM, Newsholme EA. (1997). The effects of oral glutamine supplementation on athletes after prolonged, exhaustive exercise. Nutrition. 13, 7-8, 738-42.
  7. Song QH, Xu RM, Zhang QH, Shen GQ, Ma M, Zhao XP, Guo YH, Wang Y. Glutamine supplementation and immune function during heavy load training. Int J Clin Pharmacol Ther. 2015 May;53(5):372-6. doi: 10.5414/CP202227.
  8. Shimomura, Y., Inaguma, A., Watanabe, S., Yamamoto, Y., Muramatsu, Y., Bajotto, G., … & Mawatari, K. (2010). Branched-chain amino acid supplementation before squat exercise and delayed-onset muscle soreness. International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism, 20(3), 236-244.
  9. Koopman et al (2009). Ingestion of a protein hydrolysate is accompanied by an accelerated in vivo digestion and absorption rate when compared with its intact protein. Am J Clin Nutr 90: 106-115.
  10. Buckley, J. D., Thomson, R. L., Coates, A. M., Howe, P. R., DeNichilo, M. O., & Rowney, M. K. (2010). Supplementation with a whey protein hydrolysate enhances recovery of muscle force-generating capacity following eccentric exercise. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 13(1), 178-181.
  11. Power, O., Hallihan, A., & Jakeman, P. (2009). Human insulinotropic response to oral ingestion of native and hydrolysed whey protein. Amino Acids, 37(2), 333-339.

Vegan Oblivion Plus - Vegan Protein Juice

From the original creators of the revolutionary protein system – Oblivion Protein Juice, Myo-Band has now brought out the game-changing vegan protein version – Vegan Oblivion. Like the original Oblivion, it is an utterly refreshing alternative to milky protein shakes. Utilising the same hydrolysis technology, we have purified wheat protein and formulated it to be soluble. The ready-to-mix powder with added amino acids (building blocks of protein) creates a full amino acid range that gives you maximum recovery performance, just like its original predecessor! Vegan Oblivion is unlike any other traditional vegan protein powders in the market. It dissolves to create a light and refreshing drink that can be enjoyed throughout the day and just like the original Oblivion, we have created the taste to match the fruity flavour of any juice drink. Each serving provides 11g of quality, hydrolysed plant-based protein which is essential to enhance strength, maintenance of muscle performance and more importantly reduction of DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness). If you’ve heard of the original Oblivion, then the Vegan version will do the same job – maximum recovery, so all you need to focus on is training to Oblivion!

Vegan Oblivion - PROTEIN BLEND

Vegan Oblivion contains 4 active ingredients. Every ingredient in Oblivion is included in its optimal dosage from science studies to enhance exercise performance. Their respective quantities are clearly listed, so you know where your protein is coming from.

The Vegan Oblivion formula contains powerful ingredients, including Hydrolysed Wheat Gluten (Wheat), Essential Amino Acid Blend (L-Histidine, L-Isoleucine, L-Leucine, L-Lysine, L-Methionine, L-Phenylalanine, L-Threonine, L-Valine and L-Tryptophan (as Amino9)), Creatine Monohydrate, Tri-Sodium Citrate, Potassium Chloride and Magnesium Oxide.



L-Glutamine is an amino acid (a building block of protein) known for its role in protein production and is an integral part of muscle growth following exercise (1). It is naturally produced in the body; however, intense exercise will deplete levels, by including L-Glutamine in your post-workout nutrition, you will restore the natural levels and -Increase muscle gain and have a quicker recovery (2, 3) Decrease muscle wastage (4, 5, 6, 7)

Increase power and endurance and decrease fatigue while diminishing Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS). L-Glutamine does this by preventing the breakdown of Leucine (an amino acid which switches on muscle growth) and therefore aiding protein synthesis to build and repair muscle. EAA's (Amino9)

Essential Amino Acids are building blocks of proteins which are not naturally made within the body and therefore must be derived from food or supplements. They stimulate muscle protein synthesis or 'gains' as well as reducing the rate of protein breakdown. EAA's require no digestion and will enter the bloodstream much more quickly than Whey protein, therefore helping to decrease DOMS and muscle wastage (**)


Hydrolysed Wheat. Casein is a protein commonly found in mammalian milk. Casein hydrolysate is a form of this protein which has been hydrolysed or broken down. Studies show that proteins that have been hydrolysed are easier to digest and absorb, as a result, are more quickly incorporated into skeletal muscle and leave you feeling a lot less bloated. (9)

Post-workout consumption of hydrolysates enhance recovery and process and prepare your body for the next workout. (10, 11)

 Although Whey hydrolysate is an excellent protein source, in that it is quickly absorbed, the slightly different amino acids in casein make it a great alternative strength builder and fat burner. Casein Hydrolysate has been proven in studies to cause an increase in amino acid levels similar to that of Whey. However, Casein Hydrolysate differs from Whey proteins in the fact that it keeps the amino acid levels high, like that of traditional Casein proteins (9)


Creatine is a compound found naturally in the human body, it aids in the supply of energy to muscle cells. Creatine Monohydrate is one of the many forms of Creatine available on the market. However, it is the subject of most scientific studies involving Creatine and has been proven to be extremely safe over long and short- term usage and in high dosages (up to 30gms per day) (1,2,3,4). Creatine helps to increase muscle mass by providing the muscle cells with energy as they contract, by aiding this process, Creatine is a crucial product for building lean muscle mass.

Inulin is not digested or absorbed in the stomach. It goes to the bowels where bacteria can use it to grow. It supports the growth of a special kind of bacteria that are associated with improving bowel function and general health. Inulin decreases the body's ability to make certain kinds of fats. Though this ingredient has many benefits, it is predominantly used in Oblivion for taste purposes.


Quality Excellence Nutrition

As always, you can have confidence in the product quality and supply source. Each ingredient supplier must pass rigorous audits and checks before being given the MYOBAND quality seal of approval. Traceability, quality, and consistency are the three things we demand on every single ingredient. This is our philosophy that flows through every product we formulate and blend.



  1. Norton LE, Layman DK. (2006). Leucine Regulates Translation Initiation of Protein Synthesis in Skeletal Muscle after Exercise. Journal of Nutrition. 136, 2, 5335-5375.
  2. Street B, Byrne C, Eston R. (2011). Glutamine Supplementation in Recovery From Eccentric Exercise Attenuates Strength Loss and Muscle Soreness. Journal of Exercise Science and Fitness. 9, 12, 116-122.
  3. McCormack WP, Hoffman JR, Pruna GJ, Jajtner AR, Townsend JR, Stout JR, Fragala MS, Fukuda DH. (2015). Effects of l-Alanyl-l-Glutamine Ingestion on One-Hour Run Performance. J Am Coll Nutr. 34, 6, 488-96. doi: 10.1080/07315724.2015.1009193. Epub 2015 Jun 22.
  4. Naclerio F, Larumbe-Zabala E, Cooper R, Allgrove J, Earnest CP. (2015). A multi-ingredient containing carbohydrate, proteins L-glutamine and L-carnitine attenuates fatigue perception with no effect on performance, muscle damage or immunity in soccer players. PLoS One. 10, 4, e0125188. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0125188. eCollection 2015.
  5. Roth E, Spittler A, Oehler R. (1996). Glutamine: effects on the immune system, protein balance and intestinal functions. Wien Klin Wochenschr. 108, 21, 669-76.
  6. Castell LM, Newsholme EA. (1997). The effects of oral glutamine supplementation on athletes after prolonged, exhaustive exercise. Nutrition. 13, 7-8, 738-42.
  7. Song QH, Xu RM, Zhang QH, Shen GQ, Ma M, Zhao XP, Guo YH, Wang Y. Glutamine supplementation and immune function during heavy load training. Int J Clin Pharmacol Ther. 2015 May;53(5):372-6. doi: 10.5414/CP202227.
  8. Shimomura, Y., Inaguma, A., Watanabe, S., Yamamoto, Y., Muramatsu, Y., Bajotto, G., … & Mawatari, K. (2010). Branched-chain amino acid supplementation before squat exercise and delayed-onset muscle soreness. International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism, 20(3), 236-244.
  9. Koopman et al (2009). Ingestion of a protein hydrolysate is accompanied by an accelerated in vivo digestion and absorption rate when compared with its intact protein. Am J Clin Nutr 90: 106-115.
  10. Buckley, J. D., Thomson, R. L., Coates, A. M., Howe, P. R., DeNichilo, M. O., & Rowney, M. K. (2010). Supplementation with a whey protein hydrolysate enhances recovery of muscle force-generating capacity following eccentric exercise. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 13(1), 178-181.
  11. Power, O., Hallihan, A., & Jakeman, P. (2009). Human insulinotropic response to oral ingestion of native and hydrolysed whey protein. Amino Acids, 37(2), 333-339.

Hulk Protein - Ultra Premium Lean Mass Gainer

HULK is the most nutrient-rich weight gainer in the market. Containing a whopping protein blend that delivers up to 36% of our premium lean protein and up to 282 calories per 75g serving, it has been designed for anyone who wants to increase strength and add sheer muscular size in the gym. Like our 8X Whey, we keep it simple and maximise the HULK with as many carbohydrates (carbs) and protein as possible. If you add vitamins, creatine, BCAAs then you would just be sacrificing space to fit even more protein and carbs in the product. This means that the HULK mass gainer is as potent as you can get in terms of carbs and protein.


What are the benefits?

40/60 split of Protein to Carbohydrates optimised for lean weight gain. 40/40/20 ratio of protein for optimal timed release. Substantial 53g of protein in 2 scoops with low fat and sugar that instantly mixes and richly satisfying taste in every drink.


Why the 40/40/20 Protein Split?

Because you'll get better results! Our pure un-denatured whey protein concentrate is manufactured using an advanced cross-flow micro-filtration process, at low temperatures to ensure it remains un-denatured and highly bioavailable. It is also extremely fast-acting, making it a perfect protein source immediately post-workout, or first thing in the morning with breakfast. On the other hand, Casein from milk protein is extremely slow-digesting, when consumed releases amino acids slowly over a sustained 6-8 hour period. Lastly, pure skimmed milk Protein is a medium digestion speed protein, taking up to 6 hours to digest.

Time-Released Carbohydrates

Just like the protein content, there are advantages of fast and slow-acting carbohydrates. We combine the benefits of protein and carbs, making HULK an ideal shake for post-workout or in between meals. Our finely ground oats are low-GI, slow-burning and help give you long-lasting energy throughout the day. Maltodextrin is faster acting and aids in mixability, ensuring fewer lumps and bumps in your shake. Lastly waxy maise starch is very fast-acting, giving you an instant hit of energy and glycogen replenishment in your post-workout shake. In combination, Hulk is a perfect post-workout, between meals or even before bed for especially the hard gainers.

The protein content contributes to the growth in muscle mass and maintenance of healthy bones, helping you achieve the lean mass you need for strength and size. With 36% protein and top quality protein ingredients in the HULK, it surpasses probably all the mass gainers on the market for lean mass development!


How is HULK made?

Want more information? Then read on as we see what the experts and fitness media are saying about the key ingredients included in HULK. No surprise this starts with the carbs. Carbohydrates provide the body with their primary source of energy, without carbs, you may struggle to build that mass. You need a sufficient supply in your diet to fuel your training with enough intensity, resistance and volume to force the muscles to grow. Which is why we created HULK to include the timed release blend to include a unique formulation of Oats, Maltodextrin and Waxy Maize.

Last but not least, one of the most essential elements of your muscle-building journey, the protein! If you haven't noticed already HULK holds a phenomenal amount of protein, with 3 sources of protein that give you timed-release!. They say less can be more, but it's not the case with this protein shake. HULK protein content means you can receive fast and slow absorbing protein. To top this off, the HULK shakes taste delicious when added with water or milk!


Quality Excellence Nutrition

As always, you can have confidence in the product quality and supply source. Each ingredient supplier must pass rigorous audits and checks before being given the MYOBAND quality seal of approval. Traceability, quality, and consistency are the three things we demand on every single ingredient. This is our philosophy that flows through every product we formulate and blend.

8X Whey - Premium Isolate Blend

What are the benefits of 8X Whey Protein?

  • Smooth texture - our protein shakes are what milkshakes should be, smooth and silky without the grittiness and the heavy bloat.
  • Delicious Flavours - we have the best tasting protein shakes, which work superbly with water or milk!
  • No after taste - poorly formulated protein powder can leave a bad after-taste, by continually refining our flavours, you will be looking forward to our shakes after a gruelling session.
  • Instant Mixability - low-quality whey protein never mixes well, it means some ingredients shouldn't be there. 8X Whey Protein just needs a light shake, and you're good to enjoy.
  • Low Lactose – with only 1.6% lactose, it really shows that our 8X Whey protein powder has been made with simplicity and as pure as we can go while keeping a great tasting shake.
  • Halal certified and Gluten-free – You can be sure that when you consume our 8X Whey, that it is Halal certified and Gluten-free.  


What Is 8X Whey?

This unique protein shake has been developed simplicity in mind, using only the finest whey protein isolate and whey protein concentrate, delivering a massive 82% protein content - that's 25g of protein, 1.8g of carbohydrates and 117 calories per 30g serving. What you see is what you get!

We formulate and blend all our protein, shakes ourselves right here in the UK. This means we spend a lot of time perfecting every element of the product from nutrition, taste to texture. Whey8X has been formulated with ingredient efficacy and amazing taste together.

We use 100% of the finest blend of whey protein isolate and whey protein concentrate ingredients to make sure your body is fuelled with rapid absorption in a short time! The quality whey protein ingredients give you a pure product that includes all the amino acids you will need for lean results. With over 5g BCAA levels, which are vital for building, maintaining and repairing muscles immediately! Whey8X uses the purest whey protein (sourced from grass-fed cows) that is chilled-pressed and micro-filtered so all the amino acids are kept active per serving. With this purity, it is no doubt that Whey8X is used by everyone who wants the best results!

Even if you do not exercise, Whey8X will provide you with the pure amino acids that support muscle fatigue and muscle wastage in your later years. Why not try 8X with some bakery! We've heard many recipe ideas from existing customers who have made smoothies, pancakes, lava cakes and many more. If you want more information, then subscribe to our Youtube (Link) channel to let us know what you would like to know more of!


Quality Excellence Nutrition

As always, you can have confidence in the product quality and supply source. Each ingredient supplier must pass rigorous audits and checks before being given the MYOBAND quality seal of approval. Traceability, quality, and consistency are the three things we demand on every single ingredient. This is our philosophy that flows through every product we formulate and blend.


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